I just saw the funniest thing over at Ultraquiet No More. Thanks to bothenook for this one.
Check out this Easter egg I found. If you go to the webpage for the U.S. Navy's MCPON, you'll find a page full of info and links for Terry D. Scott the current MCPON. If you scroll your mouse over the picture of him and hold it there you'll get a little blurb to pop up that says "Photo of Admiral Clark". I guess they just used the former CNO's webpage as a template and forgot to change that one little thing. Kinda unimportant I guess, but the man was my first COB and had a lot of impact on me in my first two years as a submariner.
Back in good old Cold Bay for a few more days. I should end up with a few more fish this time. We'll see tonight what the red fishing in the lagoon is like now, it ought to be peaking around now so I'm expecting a good time this week. I went down to Russell creek last night and couldn't stop catching the dog salmon that are spawning down there or the pinks that were coming in on the tide. The pinks at least were bright, I even caught one fat dolly that was gorging on eggs. I wanted to catch more dollies but I kept hooking into the dogs with my ultralight tackle and couldn't afford to lose any more lures so I switched to my silver pole and knocked 'em dead (the dogs). I eventually got bored with the super hot chum fishing and went home for the night. There was just no challenge to it after awhile. I'm surprised to have not seen any bears down there yet, the fish were everywhere.
I tried to mow my lawn two days ago before I flew out here. Unfortunately my lawnmower wouldn't stay running. I'd prime it and it would run for about four or five seconds then die. I'll investigate that when I get back home, for now the jungle will have to continue as is.