Friday, February 17, 2006

Birthplace of the Winds...

I am in, of all places, Adak right now. The connection I have access to now is… very… slow….
Various Chiefs had, at various times, threatened my junior ass with a tour out here during my time on active duty. I didn’t make it out here for the first time until a few years ago though, many years after I had left the boat.
It is a sad sight out here. The infrastructure is rotting away. Imagine Norfolk or San Diego or any other large base deserted, a ghost town blowing away in the wind and rusting from lack of care. There are only about 80 or so full time residents out here at my last count, well down from a heyday population around 6000; but the caribou population has exploded due to lack of hunting pressure. More when I come home to a faster connection.


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